The Mailbox Html Formatter

Separation of concerns

One question that may have come up while working on the mailbox text formatter exercise is:

Why would we have a separate class for formatting the ASCII table (that is, a plain text table that uses characters like +, -, and |)?

The reason is: We want each one of our classes to encapsulate one concept that is useful in our application. We also say: each one of our classes should be concerned with one responsibility.

An email vaguely resembles the concept of an analog letter, written on paper: some message is being sent from one person to another. Nowadays everyone knows what an email is: it stores all information about this particular message. The same is true for mailboxes, which are used to store a bunch of emails. Formatting a number of emails in order to be displayed on a text based terminal is a very different concept, and concern.

Therefore it makes a lot of sense to have three different classes implement each one of these concepts, or concerns. And it even makes so much sense that it is called a design principle in programming: The principle of separation of concerns.

Aside from being comprehensible and mapping to concepts that we already know, one other advantage is: We can now easily implement other formatter classes that format our emails in a different way, suitable to be displayed in other media.

And that’s what this exercise is about: We want to display our mailbox contents in HTML, the format that browsers like to use. If you are unfamiliar with what HTML is, and how it looks like, you can read up on it here. This will be our first step towards learning how to build a web application.

Model, View, Controller

Before we get to that, we’d like to point out one other aspect, that you’ll remember when we get to talk about the architecture that Rails use to structure and separate concerns, called “model, view, controller”.

If this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to you at the moment, don’t worry. You’ll understand it more once we build our first Rails application.

Exercise 13.1

Ok, now to our exercise. We will start over with the same code again, except that our formatter class now will be called MailboxHtmlFormatter.

Copy your file mailbox_text-1.rb to mailbox_html-1.rb and change it like so. Then fill in the MailboxHtmlFormatter class.

class Email
  # your class from the last exercise

class Mailbox
  # your class from the last exercise

class MailboxHtmlFormatter
  # fill in this class body

emails = ["Homework this week", { :date => "2014-12-01", :from => "Ferdous" }),"Keep on coding! :)", { :date => "2014-12-01", :from => "Dajana" }),"Re: Homework this week", { :date => "2014-12-02", :from => "Ariane" })
mailbox ="Ruby Study Group", emails)
formatter =

puts formatter.format

Your goal is to complete the code in a way so it outputs the following:

      table {
        border-collapse: collapse;
      td, th {
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 1em;
    <h1>Ruby Study Group</h1>
          <td>Homework this week</td>
          <td>Keep on coding! :)</td>
          <td>Re: Homework this week</td>

Does that look scary? A little bit, maybe. It’s probably fair to say that manually writing HTML isn’t very popular amongst most programmers. Therefore there are quite a few tools that make our lives easier. And your task is to write such a tool.

Also, this exercise should actually be easier for you to complete than the previous one. You already have a bunch of practice in iterating over emails, and working with arrays and strings. And this time, you don’t need to deal with the maximum length of strings per column. You can just interpolate things together.

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