
It now makes sense to introduce another language feature in Ruby: modules.

In Ruby, modules are somewhat similar to classes: they are things that hold methods, just like classes do. However, modules can not be instantiated. I.e., it is not possible to create objects from a module. And modules, unlike classes, therefore do not have a method new.

So, what are modules useful for?

With modules you can share methods between classes: Modules can be included into classes, and this makes their methods available on the class, just as if we’d copied and pasted these methods over to the class definition.

This is useful if we have methods that we want to reuse in certain classes, but also want to keep them in a central place, so we do not have to repeat them everywhere.

Let’s have a look at this pretty contrived code:

module Cream
  def cream?

class Cookie
  include Cream

cookie =
p cookie.cream?

We still haven’t been able to come up with a better minimal example of a module and class that makes more sense than this. And we fully admit that this code is rather weird. However, it’s good enough to quickly explain how modules work :)

If you run this code it will output true. Why is that?

The method cream? is defined on the module Cream, and all it does is always return the value true. Now, this module is included into the class Cookie. So, if we now instantiate a cookie, we can call the method cream? on it, and it will return the value true.

Cool. Let’s move on and use this for our Person class, which will hopefully then make more sense.

Let’s assume that our application has other classes that need to encrypt things. And we want to keep the exact way of how we encrypt things, the implementation in one single place.

Why would we want to do that?

Anyhow. Here’s how we can create a meaningful module for our application, and then use it in the class Person:

require 'digest'

module Encryption
  def encrypt(string)

class Person
  include Encryption

  # ...

  def encrypted_password

person ="Ada")
person.password = "super secret"
puts person.encrypted_password

If you run this code, it will print out the same, encrypted version of the password: cool, that’s what we want.

We have moved the noisy details of the encryption algorithm to a module, and then included the module to the class Person. This, at the very least, makes the method encrypted_password much easier to read. Doesn’t it?

We refer to the process of moving some logic (code) from one method to another new method as “extracting a method”. In our case we have extracted the method encrypt from the method encrypt_password. When we do this, methods usually become shorter and more readable.