Ruby For Beginners

Ruby Monday Study Group curriculum for beginners

This book has been written after we have run 4 beginners groups at our Ruby Monstas groups in Berlin, and it outlines the current state of our beginner groups curriculum.

After completing this curriculum you’ll be able to read, understand, and write basic Ruby code yourself:

You can use this knowledge to create small tools that might help you in your day-to-day work (such as converting numbers, or extracting data from files) that normally would cost a lot of manual work. You’ll be able to jump into other tutorials, and have a much easier time understanding what they’re talking about. And you can start working on our next curriculum which will walk you through the basics of building an actual web application.

If you’d like to print this book, or export it as a PDF try using this page, which is a single-page version of the entire book.

You can find the source code of this book here.