Working with Strings

In order to start irb open your terminal and type irb, then hit the return key (enter). In order to quit irb again (and get back to your system shell prompt) you can type exit or press ctrl-d, which does the same.

Exercise 2.1

What do you think this will do?

$ irb
> "hello".length + "world".length

Try it yourself.

Exercise 2.3

Skim through the documentation for strings in the Ruby documentation, and look for a method that prepends one string to another string.

Using that method prepend the string "Learning " to the string "Ruby"

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Exercise 2.4

Skim through the documentation for strings in the Ruby documentation, and look for a method that removes characters from a string.

Using that method turn the string "Learning Ruby" into the string "Lrnng Rb".

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Exercise 2.5

Find out how to convert the string "1.23" into the number 1.23.

You can either, again, skim the documentation page for strings, or google for “ruby convert string to number”.

Then also find out what method can be used to turn the string "1" into the number 1 (remember floats and integers are different kinds of numbers).

Confirm that you have found the right methods by trying them in irb.

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Exercise 2.6

There is a method that allows to justify a string, and padding it with another string.

Find that method and use it on the string "Ruby" together with "<3" so that you get the following string back:


We’ll admit that this is a rather creative usage of this method. Normally you’d use it to align strings to columns (e.g. so that they line up nicely when you format a table). You’ll use this method in other exercises later on.

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